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UK Spouse Sponsorship Visa

The UK offers a Spouse Sponsorship Visa, also known as a Marriage Visa or a Partner Visa, for individuals who wish to join their spouse or partner in the UK. This visa allows spouses or partners of British citizens or settled persons (those with indefinite leave to remain in the UK) to live and work in the UK for an initial period.

To be eligible for the Spouse Sponsorship Visa, certain requirements must be met:

  1. Relationship Requirement: You must be married to, in a civil partnership with, or in a genuine and subsisting relationship with a British citizen or a settled person in the UK.
  2. Financial Requirement: The sponsor in the UK (the British citizen or settled person) must meet specific financial criteria to demonstrate their ability to support you without relying on public funds.
  3. Accommodation Requirement: Adequate accommodation must be available for you and your dependants without the need for public funds.
  4. English Language Requirement: You may need to demonstrate English language proficiency, depending on your circumstances and nationality.
  5. Immigration History: Both you and your sponsor must have a clean immigration history and not be subject to any immigration restrictions.

The initial visa is usually granted for 30 months. After this period, you can apply for an extension, and after spending a total of five years in the UK on this visa, you may be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain (ILR), which grants permanent residency.

Vas Immigration one of the best Spouse Sponsorship Visa consultancy in Dubai, UAE. contact spousal work permit related queries



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